
Several events of the EFSET programme are designed to help students get practical skills and knowledge and train them with a range of methods and approaches. Being better prepared for the workplace students will also improve their CVs and job prospective. According to the research of the Institute of Students Employees, companies experience a graduate skills gap. It is a commonly perceived that universities do not provide students with skills needed for the labor market. EFSET aims to reduce the gap by offering a mixed programme of events and resources. Check the EFSET students’ skills framework below:


Workshops. Four workshops are foreseen for the EFSET Programme. Every practical workshop is built on the concept of the particular online course unit and will be using soft system methods techniques to map a complex problem.

Away Weekend. The programme offers a unique opportunity for students to participate in the Away Weekend in Turin in 2020. A two-day event will gather students from three participating universities giving them a chance to meet each other in person, share their ideas and experience from taking part in the programme.

Summer School. A summer school in Reading in 2020 is the final event of the programme. The summer school offers a great chance to meet industry representatives and gain benefits from their experience. A collaborative work for addressing the real-life food system challenges will end up in the final presentations of the projects by each group of students.